Artemis 1: Historic Times for NASA and People of Planet Earth

Artemis 1: Historic Times for NASA and People of Planet Earth

It's been a long time but now we're off to the moon again. An entirely new generation of people are about to witness the most hi-tech exploration to the moon and beyond into deep space.

The Artemis NASA missions commence in October, 2022 with Artemis I which will be an un-manned flight. It's planned that there will be one mission per year with Artemis II carrying 4 astronauts for a figure 8 trip firstly orbiting around Earth then off to the moon for a close fly-by then slingshot back to Earth.

Following that, Artemis III is scheduled for 2024 and will actually land astronauts on the moon including the first woman and person of colour. Historic times indeed.

Mission Manager Mike Sarafin provides a very informative overview in this great video.

And some of the NASA team show here some of the very cool hi-tech and important science experiments to be carried out in the Artemis 1 mission to the moon and back.

And lastly, this mini doco shows just how much engineering, testing and precision assembly is involved - just to get the rocket to the launch pad. Amazing stuff 🚀

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